Parts Shop

This Product has been discontinued.

We have discontinued this product. Please see the replacement product below.

Unlock Actuator w Wiring/Plug - ILS [421-000-003]


Replacement product :

Used on:
Pegasus S4
Snake S1
Snake S2
Pegasus S3
For Pegasus 722 Series 4. Qty Req = 1
For Pegasus 493 Series 4. Qty Req = 1
For Snake 320 Series 1. Qty Req = 1
For Snake 320 Series 2. Qty Req = 1
For Pegasus 610 Series 4. Qty Req = 1
For Snake 400 Series 2. Qty Req = 1
For Pegasus 493 Series 3. Qty Req = 1
For Pegasus 610 Series 3. Qty Req = 1